Funny Little Beasts (2017) - Blu-ray

Funny Little Beasts (2017) - Blu-ray
Funny Little Beasts (2017) - Blu-ray
€3.60 €12


Duration: 1h17



When Apollo, a heart-throbbing cricket, arrives at the village of small animals, it does not take long to disturb the life of the entire Kingdom ... Trapped by the cousin of Queen Marguerite, the jealous and evil Huguette, Apollo is accused of to have taken away the sovereign, sowing panic in the hive ... Marguerite is in fact captive of the Nuisibles, accomplices of Huguette who takes the opportunity to seize the throne! Apollon the Grillon, helped by Mireille the Bee, Loulou Pou and his new friends, then embarks on a perilous rescue mission ...