Néo-Romantiques Un Moment Oublié De L'art Moderne

Néo-Romantiques Un Moment Oublié De L'art Moderne
Néo-Romantiques Un Moment Oublié De L'art Moderne


Publisher: Flammarion
Format : Large format
Presentation : Paperback
Weight : 1190ga

Number of pages
Publication date
23,0 cm × 28,0 cm × 2,0 cm


This is the first major book devoted to this group of young artists in Paris in the 1920s, who were the only ones at the time to attempt to move beyond what had become fixed in abstract art by pursuing a new form of figurative painting. The works of Christian Berard, Pavel Chelitchew, Eugene and Leonide Berman - which also included drawings of theater, opera and ballet - were admired by Gertrude Stein, George Balanchine, Edith Sitwell and Christian Dior, among others.
The group's often nostalgic work, presented by Patrick Mauriès in this richly illustrated book, is a real discovery for today's audience.